
Game Modes


  • Standard PUBG.
  • We mostly play this
  • Generally all content is available in this game mode

Team Sizes: Squads, Duos, Solos


  • Semi-competitive PUBG.
  • Increased loot
  • Better players
  • Slower circles to encourage dying to players rather than the blue zone.
  • Less competitive content is excluded (less maps, no pick up parachutes, certain weapons excluded, and less unfair or gimmick features)

Team Sizes: Squads


  • Practice games where there are up to 12 players, with the rest being bots.

Team Sizes: Squads

Training Mode

  • Testing game mode where you can try out all guns and weapons. Good for practicing recoil control.

Team Deathmatch

  • 8v8, variety of fixed maps, good for warming up

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Big Maps


8x8 - Map 1 - 100 players

The OG PUBG experience with massive fields to run through, bridge camping, and everyone going to die at school. It’s been remastered and largely improved since 2017 with added cover, updated buildings, etc. They also added a ferry between Military & Ferry Pier.


8x8 - Map 2 - 100 players

Miramar is notable for it’s 1337 sniping opportunities and being littered with cars people have flipped over while trying to navigate the terrain. Miramar has similarly been remastered and largely improved since 2017. They for some reason changed the map image recently and made it harder to see terrain and dirt roads (why bluehole????). PS. large buildings frequently have parachutes on the roof.


8x8 - Map 8 - 100 players

Fairly similar to Erangel and very fun. Introduces a lot of new content including: the iconic 1974 Hyundai Pony, some weird open truck where you can share loot in the trunk while driving, the comeback arena where your bad team mates can get back in the game if they die before the first zone.


6x6 - Map 4 - 100 players

The winter wonderland, Vikendi. Notable for being the snow map without snow because ???. Bluehole also gutted a lot of compounds and cities at some point, but it’s still a fun map. It has trains!

Small maps


4x4 - Map 3 - 100 players

This jungle is specifically designed, then remastered, to have you get third partied as soon as you shoot anyone. Enjoy being shot in the back!


3x3 - Map 6 - 64 players

Paramo is a small map that combines the hill play of Miramar with the grassy look of Erangel. Beware of the bushes.


2x2 - Map 5 - 64 players

Karakin is a miniature Miramar meat grinder filled with secret tunnels, black zones, and usually no hope of winning unless you get the circle.


1x1 - Map 7 - 32 players

The second newest map before Taego. This map was pretty universally disliked by everyone. It did include PVE fights with boss bots and an armored tank as well as parachutes on top of buildings.

Rotation maps

For some reason Vikendi, Paramo, and Karakin have been on a rotation the last few months where you can only play one or two of them throughout an entire patch.

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PUBG basics

What happens in a typical game of PUBG?

  • Jump out of a plane with 63/99 other players
  • Pick a landing spot with your team
  • Land and get some loot
  • Murder everyone around you!
  • Get to the circle when it changes by foot, bike, vehicle, glider, or parachute plane.
  • Make it to the end and win
  • Let’s be honest, most of the time we just die, and so will you!

Where should I drop?

  • Drop hot or cold!
  • Middle of the map or close to the flight path will be hotter.
  • Generally further / smaller locations will be colder.
  • You may try to drop quiet places in the start, but remember the more you fight the better you’ll get at it

How do I parachute?

  • Drop x meters from your target, based on map
    • Sanhok: 1200 meters
    • Vikendi: 1000-1050 meters
    • Erangel / Miramar / Taego: 900-950 meters
    • Paramo / Karakin: 250 meters
    • If you cannot get this close from the flight path, drop when you’re perpendicular with where you are going
  • Fly horizontal
  • Go straight down around 160-170 meters from your target
    • Paramo / Karakin: 200 meters from your target
    • If you dropped too early, you generally can get max speed at 460m of elevation which allows you to land the quickest


What loot do I need?


  • Usually: Assault rifle for close/mid-range and sniper or DMR for long range
  • SMGs are also great and excel in close quarters
  • Shotguns have been buffed multiple times and are unfair, but you give up the flexibility of other guns
  • Even the crossbow can be devastating
  • Take what you want!


  • An ideal loadout of meds would be something like this:
  • 3-5 first aid kits
  • max 1 medkit
  • 3-8 boosts (syringes, painkillers, energy drinks)
  • 5-10 bandages


  • 2+ Smokes are always great
  • Frags and molotovs do serious damage
  • Flashbangs are cool but you need to learn how to use them effectively


  • Mountain bikes are amazing
  • Pick-up parachutes allow your team to get across the map easily
  • Gas cans will allow you to fill up a glider to fly across the map with a teammate
  • The pan is the only melee weapon that provides impenetrable body armor



  • Compensators reduce recoil the most
  • Suppressors reduce audible range by half
  • Flash hiders hide your muzzle flash and reduce recoil


  • Angled reduces horizontal recoil the most
  • Vertical reduces vertical recoil the most
  • Half grip is between
  • Lightweight grip is for tapping (SKS, MK12, or sniping with an AR)
  • Thumb grip increases ADS speed with slight recoil reduction (great for the SKS or MK12 as bigger scopes have slower ADS speed)

How do I heal?

PUBG’s healing system is fairly simple, especially compared to something like tarkov.


If your health goes to 0 and you have a teammate, or self-revive kit, you get knocked.

When knocked your health will refill to max and start ticking down.

Each time you get knocked, your health starts ticking down faster.

Healing Items

Healing items raise your health, generally to ~75% (except for medkits). Boosts give you a heal buff that slowly heals you and increases runspeed. The more boosted you are the faster you run / heal over time.

  • Healing items
    • Medkits - heal to full in 10 seconds
    • First aid kits - heals 75% up to a max of 75% in 6 seconds
    • Bandages - heals ~10% up to a max of 75% every 2 seconds
  • Boosts
    • Energy drink - ~30% boost. 1 first aid + 1 energy will get you to 100% if you take no damage.
    • Pain killers - ~60% boost
    • Adrenaline shot - 100% boost
  • Other items
    • Self-revive kit - allows you to res yourself over 10 seconds
    • Critical response kit - paramo only, allows you to revive someone in like 2 seconds

There’s some medic class kit that you can pick up in the new patch but I don’t have the details, check the patch notes.

Anything I should know before I head off to go die?

  • Sound is very important: footsteps, gun shots, vehicles
  • I think the default audio in this game sucks and use a compressor (dolby digital plus or voicemeeter banana), see what works for you.
  • The killfeed can inform you about how fights around you are going
  • Communicate with your team about what’s happening and where enemies are
  • Be aware of where you are and whether you have a way out if you start getting shot at

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Must-have settings and keybinds

Below I’ve listed a few of the options which are beneficial to use from the start in PUBG from the settings page, you can view the rest in the settings page by CTRL+F’ing ★.

Setting Type Setting Value Comment
Audio - Sound HRTF Enable better 3d audio positioning
Key bindings - Common Jump/Vault Unbind this Having this on the same key will get you killed because you’ll jump when you mean to vault and vice versa.
Key bindings - Common Jump Space generally  
Key bindings - Common Vault V generally up to you, I think this is the default change perspective key bind so if you play TPP you’ll want to adjust that
Key bindings - Combat Aim / ADS Unbind this Having aim / ads on the same key causes your ADS to take longer because the game has to register if you’re going to hold or not.
Key bindings - Combat Aim Typically a mouse button  
Key bindings - Combat ADS Right click  
Key bindings - UI Quick marker Mouse 1 and another key This on M1 makes it so when you shoot, you indicate on the compass where you are shooting via the color ping. The other key allows you to do the same without shooting.
Gameplay - Functionalities Auto reload Disable  
Gameplay - Functionalities Additional action queueing Enable  
  • Default firing mode settings
    • PUBG used to not have this. you’d have to pick up a gun and change the firing mode in addition to loading it to be able to use it in full auto. This was terrible when you were in a rush. Below are my recommended settings:
Gun Setting Comment
Handguns Automatic  
SMGs Automatic  
Secondary SMGs Burst doesn’t matter this applies to no guns in the game
ARs Automatic  
Secondary ARs ? I prefer single tapping with the M16 and Mutant. Up to you
DMRs Single the MK14 is the only DMR with automatic and generally you only want that in certain situations.
  • Auto-attachment settings
    • PUBG introduced these features to make picking up and dealing with attachments better. They improved quality of life greatly, especially when swapping weapons.
    • Recommended settings:
      • Auto equip attachments with interaction key - Enable
      • Auto replace attachments - Enable
      • Auto equip attachments from inventory - Enable

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